Defensive Handgun/Long gun Training Association

Meet Our Instructors

Timothy Hightshoe
Lead instructor for DeHLTA in the Front Range area - Tim's firearms qualifications include:
International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (IALEFI) Master Instructor // Colorado Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association (CLEFIA) Master Instructor // Former Front Range International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) President // Safety Officer and Match Conduct Instructor // Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (P.O.S.T.) Certified Full Skills Firearms Instructor // USAF (Colorado Air National Guard) Combat Arms Instructor // Defensive Handgun, Long gun Training Association (DeHLTA) Co-founder and Rifle/Pistol/Shotgun Instructor // Former Aurora Community College P.O.S.T. Handgun At-Will Instructor // Graduated from Denny Chalker's (Command Master Chief, Ret., SEAL Team 6) Executive Protection (knife/hand/gun) Training // Graduated Gun Sight Pistol/Carbine/Shotgun Training // Distinguished Graduate Front Sight Practical Handgun and Practical Rifle Program // Completed Matt Burkett's Practical Hand Gunning course. // Veteran of Desert Storm / Desert Shield / Noble Eagle // Trained troops for Operations Just Cause / Enduring Freedom / Iraqi Freedom.
He has been a guest speaker for the Pikes Peaks Writers CSI Workshop and has also held firearms familiarization classes
for members of the Colorado Springs Sisters in Crime Mystery Writers Organization.

Carol Hightshoe
Assistant firearms and lead Report Writing instructor for DeHLTA in the Front Range area - Carol's qualifications
10 years with the El Paso County Sheriff's Office / Professionally published writer and editor / USAF Reserve - Honorably Discharged / Member - Marksmanship Team - Texas A&M University.

Frank Howell
A US Air Force Certified Combat Arms Training and Maintenance, (CATM), Instructor, Frank Howell, (MSgt, Ret.) has 27 years of experience teaching small arms safety, operations, maintenance, use and tactics in the USAF and the Colorado Air National Guard. Throughout his career he has trained over 20,000 service members on nearly all of the small arms types in the Air Force inventory, with primary weapons being the Handgun, and Rifle, both of which he has qualified expert every year of his career, and secondary specialties in belt feed machine guns. Frank also qualified on and taught shotgun, 40mm grenade launchers, the M-72 LAW, and has experience with the UZI and MAC-10 Sub-machine guns.
Frank Howell is passionate about teaching personal defense, and realizes that no one knows it all. As such he is continually researching advances in equipment, tactics and the phycology of the fight. He had first learned handgun shooting through IPSIC and IDPA competitive shooting before he became an AF Instructor. In these competitions, he learned the use of the weaver stance and roll-over prone positions, and he began teaching these techniques nearly a decade before they were officially adopted by the AF, and as the NCOIC of his CATM unit, he urged all of his instructors to keep an open mind and incorporate anything they believed might give their students and edge, into the approved lesson plans. In addition to his AF certifications, he has received training from several local police departments, the FBI’s Counter Terrorist Team, and many of his own CATM unit members who’d also taken training outside of the AF.
Frank is a Cold War Vet, and took part in Operation Noble Eagle as a Security Forces Flight Chief, supervising the security of the Buckley AFB flight line for nearly 2 years after 9-11, and spent countless hours training his Security Forces members in every aspect of their mission.